Thanks Leslie and Gary for this valuable information.

My Dad is on Fentanyl (50 mcg's with Percocet for the break through pain - about every 3 hours). While the doctors can explain how to use this drug, I think Gary's post put it into the simplest of laymans terms. I plan to call Mom here in a bit and read it to her. Thanks for putting it into words that we can all understand. I really liked how you did the comparison to other drugs.

Merry Christmas!


CG to Father, 75 yo with SCC of the mouth; upper maxillectomy and neck diss. performed on 5/23/07. Father also suffered heart attack during surgery and now has CHF. RT complete on 8/28/07. Cancer back 11/27/07. RT and Chemo to start on 12/17. Cancer back 6/17/08. Finally at rest 08/08/08.