you didn't say whether you were being treated at a Comprehensive Cancer Center, but based on my brief research at, I suspect not. The following was cut and pasted from quackwatch:

"CanCell -- originally called Entelev and recently renamed Cantron and Protocel -- is a liquid claimed to cure cancer by "lowering the voltage of the cell structure by about 20%," causing cancer cells to "digest" and be replaced with normal cells. Accompanying directions have warned that bottles of CanCell should not be allowed to touch each other or be placed near any electrical appliance or outlet. CanCell has also been promoted for the treatment of AIDS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, "extreme cases of emphysema and diabetes," and several other diseases. In 1989, the FDA reported that CanCell contained inositol, nitric acid, sodium sulfite, potassium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, and catechol. Subsequently, its promoters claimed to be modifying the formulation to make it more effective . They have also claimed that CanCell can't be analyzed because it varies with atmospheric vibrations and keeps changing its energy . Laboratory tests conducted between 1978 and 1991 by the NCI found no evidence that CanCell was effective against cancer. The FDA has obtained an injunction forbidding its distribution to patients."

PLEASE make sure your oncologist is aware of any "supplements" you are considering taking during chemo/rad. At least on the surface, this one doesn't sound like something that will be helpful.

I'm sure that other more knowledgable and eloquent members will chime in here, as the vultures who offer miracle cures usually bring out an emotional response. I know I'm fuming here, but will try to maintain my composure.

On the subject of chemo, I had an induction protocol of Carboplatin and Taxol, and had a complete response. Now, two plus years out from treatment, I still have slight neuropathy in my feet. I have not noticed any hearing effects.

Again, I can't emphasize enough that you communicate with your doctors about any supplements you are taking during Rad/Chemo.

Best wishes for success in your upcoming treatments.

Good Health,


SCC Stage IV right tonsil T3N3M0. Dx 08/03. Clinical Trial:8 weeks Taxol, Carboplatin then Hydrea, 5FU, IMRT x's 48, SND, Iressa x 2yrs. Now 20 years out and thriving. Dealing with a Prostate cancer diagnosis now. Add a Bladder cancer diagnosis to all the fun.
It's always something
"Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it."