My brother had a total glossectomy in October and went through radiation and chemo that finished in January. His problem (besides not being able to talk, eat or swallow!) is a persistent swelling in his neck and jaw, mostly on his left side. He has been prescribed antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, etc., to no avail. He cannot sleep well or at all and now the swelling is becoming hard and painful for him. So my question is, is this a normal reaction that will subside as time goes on, or is it something to get worked up over? His ENT has seemed to lose interest in his case now that his surgery is over and my mother (his primary caregiver) can't seem to get anyone to give her an answer. Maybe there is no answer? If that's the case, we would all rather know the truth so we can all prepare for what lies ahead.

Thanks for giving me this forum to look for answers and ask questions.