
My very last word on this matter. I was not concerned about your feelings on the issues. I could see where this topic was going, and I did not like it. I ask to close a topic when it begins to drift too far off the original thought and gets cloudy. I see no problem with spirited discussions on here, but I do not like them at the expense of an on going topic that may contain valuable information. I don't see the need for it, start a new topic if you have a new idea. I don't see Brian complaining about the valid use of server space, use it. You need info on the PEG, it is already here. Use search first. While all of us want to help, common subjects like this
have been discussed at great length, pro and con, before. There is valuable content and comments to absorb from many previous posts. Does that mean that you shouldn't ask a question that has been discussed before? Of course not, but consider that some of the hard content, factual posters like Gary, Mark, Brian, and many others etc. have answered the same question 10 times before, and perhaps this generous giving of their time has some limits.... it might be beter to give them a chance to respondto the new ideas and problems. I am making assumptions here about their time etc. but it only seems reasonable to take at least a quick look at the posting history with a simple tool like the search engine first.

You want my list of things that piss me off that reflect ideas that don't need to be on this board?

1- Talk of killing a spouse, in jest or not.
2 -Talk of infidelity (I'm no prude, it just annoys me) with or without the God reference in the signature....don't get me started on the God reference in the signature, that in itself contradicts the ability to leave God out of your postings as the rules request in many cases where the original poster did not reference their desire to bring a supreme being into the discussions.
3 - Never ending Blogs with no purpose. Rosie's had real value, where hasshe gone?
4 - The new blog has created an atmosphere of "any language/topic goes" and while off cancer topics can be of interest to some, I think the intention of the blog section was for people to chronicle their travel through this process, not provide a place for meaningless babble.
5 - Where has ................... gone? (fill in name of highly
knowledgeable member that we know has not died).

We have lost too many good posters over religion, and the direction away from informational help over the
last year. People with backgrounds in oncology, nursing, and more. Why? Some just got tired of the religious tone of the board (something that Brian posted on extensively at the time) or that help and support were being sacrificed for discussion on things other than our issues with the disease.

Anyone here ever take a click over to the MSN Oral Cancer disscussion page? If not, go on over there and see where we are heading with some of these posts. We don't want OCF to follow that model. When I noted my feelings on the direction of the site, that is what I'm
talking about. There are pages of useless banter intermingled with one or two bits of valid information (at MSN, not here). My point is that this site is the stand out.

Just start a new topic and leave me out of this PEG war.

Oh, if some of you had not noticed in recent postings, I think there are a few broken board rules in the list!