Hi Danny,

Sorry to hear of the fatigue, but then again, you're not doing too badly if you are mowing the lawn just after chemo!

I haven't had chemo, but a year ago I had 1-2 pints of blood before I started radiation. (They also started giving me weekly procrit/epigen shots for blood levels.) I was low on blood as a result of my surgery the month before.

I actually felt very good and was surprised at how much energy I had AFTER the blood transfusion. They told me it would take about 4 hours at the hospital. Well, it was closer to an 8 hour day by the ttime I was in and out. Apparently the 4 hours was just for actually being hooked up, the paper work and blood-typing and prep work, etc made it longer.

Its a lot like donating blood. Pretty painless, especially after all the other stuff you've been through!

As far as worries or fears about catching something or having some problem with the blood transfusion..... well, as you know, the cancer is a bigger and more real threat.

I'm hoping and figuring that the "new blood" will give you a boost.
I'm rooting for you Danny,
all the best,

History of leukoplakia <2001-2004. SCC lateral tongue 9/03; left radical neck dissection & hemiglosectomy 10/03, T2-3,N0M0; 28 IMRT radiation completed 12/03. 30 HBO dives Oct-Nov 04 for infections and bone necrosis -mandible.