Oh, Boy! A Food discussion! My very favorite thing! Such fun coming here with serious thoughts and having this irreverent group take your mind off your troubles!! smile
For me, there is nothing like planning a great meal and then buying wonderful things and then cooking them up and serving them to happy, expectant family and friends! Toooo sad that I haven't done that for over a month now frown
Tom is eating things today, however (happy day) and I pulled out his new propane-fired charcoal grill and seasoned up some nice fat country-style ribs (fancy name for sliced pork shoulder!) to throw on there. Although Tom is my grill-meister, I did a pretty darn good job tonight and HE ATE THEM smile It really takes so little to make me happy!
Around here we say 'soda' at times, but mostly people identify the drink they want with "Pepsi" or "Coke," etc.

He fell to 138 pounds this week, gang. I'm on a mission to get him back up at least 10 pounds before the next round - - - do you think I could lose my extra pounds like that??? No way!

EVeryone have a good night - or day -
Nicki smile

Nicki, wife of Thomas
dx July 2004, SCC, Stage 4 Tonsil. Tx begun 8/4/04. Cisplatin/Xeloda x 4; IMRT 7 wks, 8/7 - 10/25/04 Modified Radical Dissection (right), Selective Dissection (Left) 12/10/04.