Dan, my team decided against chemo, too. I had tongue cancer and two cancerous lymph nodes in neck. After surgery, I had 7 weeks of radiation because of the two lymph nodes involved. My doctors told my husband chemo would not work in my situation. Try not to worry, take one day at a time.....I know, I know, much easier said than done....but I do believe the right decision was made by my doctors....Carol

Diagnosed May 2002 with Stage IV tongue cancer, two lymph nodes positive. Surgery to remove 1/2 tongue, neck dissection, 35 radiation treatments. 11/2007, diagnosed with cancer of soft palate, surgery 12/14/07, jaw split. 3/24/10, cancer on tongue behind flap, need petscan, surgery scheduled 4/16/10
---update passed away 8-27-11---