Dan, I truly understand how you feel not having chemo as part of the treatment. We all want the best treatment that leads to the best result with the least side effect.Are we asking too much? If all our hopes can come true, cancer will not be so terrible. I also feel upset for a while knowing that IMRT can be a better type of treatment but I was never told by my oncologist about this option.If I had known it earlier, I could have gone for it regardless of the cost. Should I blame the doctor who saved my life? NO! You are worried that without chemo, your chance of recurrence is higher but without surgery, it is also natural for me to think that I have a high risk of getting recurrence since statistics also state that surgery is an effective treatment to Head and Neck Cancer.Compared with those who are defeated at this battle like Heather, Packer , Marcy and many more, we should feel much grateful that we are still alive. There is always hope as long as we are here.We need to face the reality and don't get trapped in something that is irreversible.Statistics are nothing but figures; attitude is everything! Dan, stop worrying!


Karen stage 4B (T3N3M0)tonsil cancer diagnosed in 9/2001.Concurrent chemo-radiation treatment ( XRT x 48 /Cisplatin x 4) ended in 12/01. Have been in remission ever since.