Thanks, guys for all your support. When I spoke to my Doc he did mention that a plastic surgeon would be "available"- whatever that means. Should I insist that the plastic surgeon close up after he removes the affected area? This is the head of the ENT dept @ Emory and I feel fortunate to have him, given that I'm a medicare patient. Don't want to offend the powers that be.....but then again, is IS my face, after all!
Maricia, is your husband also being treated at Emory? I've had mixed results with them- most of the time very progressive and cutting edge (no pun intended), sometimes almost practicing medieval torture methods........
I'm probably making more of this whole thing than is called for-after all, I'm an old hand at this and should be able to take it with a grain of salt......
Dammit, I'm concerned, and frankly, more than a little bit scared at this point.
thanks again, ya'll.

SCC right tonsil Dx 14 Feb 03
No surg till Apr 03
Lip resection Sep 05 "frankenface"
Recurr Apr 10
2/3 tongue removed Jun 10
Dec 10 Tumor @ nodes/larynx/cart artery growing
Erbitux Mar 11 Hyoid bone regrows!?
recur Dec 12
begin taxo chemo
10yrs-still kickin!