Hi Lawrence,

If it makes you feel any better my husband had his first dose of cisplatin last Tuesday and by that night was vomiting violently. He did that through Thursday night. Friday he was a little better but very very weak. He finally came home from the hospital Saturday and only ate for the first time since Tuesday tonight.

We really could not find a drug to help with the nausea at first. The zofran gave him a horrible headache. He is now on compazine and it seems to help a little.

We are in our first week. We start week 2 tomorrow. He has had radiation also but the cisplatin seems to have really gotten him. He is still very tired. He only gets up from the bed for brief moments.

I got him to drink a Boost chocolate drink today which he liked and I am hoping to use that to bring up his calorie intake. Today, the doctor recommended that I give him some gatorade. That made a huge difference. It really seemed to help him perk up.

For the dry mouth issue I found at Walgreens something called StopperZ which is a spray that he can spray in his mouth as often as he wants. It has a little mint in it to refresh his breath. He says that it seems to help well. I also read on this board to put a humidifier in the room so I did that also. Both seemed to help tremendously with the dry mouth.

Good luck to you. It seems that we will be learning this journey together.


Caregiver to ex-husband Harry. Dx 12/10/04 SCC stg 3, BOT with 2 nodes left side. No surg/chemo x4 /rad.x37(rad comp. 03/29/05)Cisplatin/5FU(comp. 05/07/05)-T1N2M0-(cancer free 06/14/05)-(12/10/06) 2 yr. Survivor!!!