Thanks, Daniel. I have to admit, I don't think I'd ever even thought about oral cancer until I found out my dad had it, and now I'm apalled at how dreadful it can be.

My husband died of liver cancer from Hepatitis B, I'm an endometrial cancer survivor and just found out earlier this year that I have vaginal cancer in situ, so I understand the fear of recurrence that everyone here has, though I have been lucky in that all I have needed in both cases thus far is surgery. I'm thinking maybe I was happier BEFORE I started learning how to research so much on the internet and finding out stuff I didn't know before. Maybe ignorance WAS bliss ... <sigh> On the other hand - wow. What did people do when they were in these situationa and COULDN'T reach out to others before we had the internet?? Thanks again for the support. I try to be active on the gyn onc boards, and on my widow support board, and I used to be active for long time on the Hepatitis and liver support boards. Hopefully, someday I'll be able to give back something to the people on THIS board.