My husband asked his Surgeon/ENT about PET Scans and he said they are still too experimental. He said they have far too many false positives, which lead to more invasive procedures and find out that it was nothing. In Dan's case he said CT scans are fine for now. He gets one in November. He had a Head (Brain? Scan last year) and had a false positve. It came back as either a tumor or annuerysm and after two more tests it came back as a glitch. Scared the *** out of us though. Dans Onco and Surgeon didn't agree on the Brain scan, his surgeon said it was too soon. Too much healing going on.
Sorry about the rambling. In the end you just have to trust that your Doctor is doing the right thing for your case because we would drive ourselves crazy with doubt. We trust this surgeon and hope he is doing the right thing for Dan at the moment.

Sherrie wife to Dan, Tonsil cancer survivor, Stage IV diagnosed July/2001