Hi. Well, I cannot believe it. We got my mom's PET scan results today and they were really good. Long story short is that we went to the doctor for our scheduled appointment and the results were not ready. I wound up getting them in the car as I was driving us home. Anyway, here is what the MO said... The cancer reacted "very well" to the treatment (he said it 3 times) and no need for additional chemo or treatment at this time, but my mom will need follow-up. I asked if there was anything showing activity and he said the only thing was that there were some lymph nodes showing activity, but only enough to be monitored and that the activity could still be a result of her radiation (finished 8/16). She should have another scan in 2-3 months.
I feel like I may have missed a lot when I got the diagnosis. I was in the car and almost in tears as soon as he said "reacted very well" and "no further treatment". I will get a copy of the report next week, but are there other questions I should be asking? I hear a lot of people talk about "clear margins" but does this apply to my mom if she did not have surgery?
Also, does anyone know how long my mom will need to keep her trache in given these results? She sees her ENT surgeon on 10/22 and I am really hoping that he takes it out then. How involved is removing a trache?
Any input would be helpful. We are obviously SO happy with the result. I have been sitting here crying (tears of joy) all morning. I can't believe she did it. I remember crying over Labor Day weekend, waiting for my sister, who was with her at the time, to tell me that she was at the hospital or worse.
Thank you all for your support and help!