
When I was undergoing rad and chemo, I ate NOTHING by mouth after the first couple of weeks. It all went in through the tube. I never had dehydration problems because I put lots of water in vis the PEG, not only to flush after every feeding, but in between too. One hint, if you have not already figured it out, NEVER use water any colder than room temperature because it hurts like the dickens. This is the Voice of Experience speaking.

Even though I did not eat orally, I did do the baking soda, salt, and water rinse many times daily and that may be why I never experienced any infection. Or maybe not.

The only thing I would change is to wish someone had told me to keep opening my mouth wide, many times a day. Not eating, I did not do that and today am not able to eat a big sandwich, for example. So I would say along with enough water, opening his mouth wide every single day is the most important thing your husband can be doing right now. Other than mentally fighting like heck!

Keep us posted.