Well, I got the job offer and will probably take it. It involves a good deal of travel and since I'm not married - figured this is a way to do it without having to pay for it! It's for a Clinical Research Associate - so basically an auditor / monitor for drug trials. Maybe I'll get assigned to a oncology drug study - who knows. I'm not sure which pharma companies this company is contracted with yet. They don't tell you that until you officially start.

Anyway, the doctor ordered my PET/CT and I had that this morning - definitely not what I had expected. Very easy - in fact I just slept right through most of it. Took 2 valium, rested 15 minutes, got an injection of radionuclear tagged glucose, slept another 60 minutes, changed into clothes with no metal - got strapped to the board and slept through the rest of it! I work third shift and worked last night - so was tired and slept through almost all of the test. The results should be back Monday or Tuesday or which I will then accept this new job if the scan was negative. Thanks for all the info everyone offered.

SCC Right Lateral Tongue T2N0M0 Dx 01/12/06, Surgery 01/25/06. Partial Glossectomy, Bilateral Neck Dissection - 22 lymph nodes - all clear. No radiation.