i have a question and wonder if any of you have experience with this?

When I was diagnosed - I was in the process of starting a new job - I had been hired as an FBI Special Agent contingent on physical fitness test, medical eval and polygraph. Well - I am assuming that is out of the question now - as I know they will find a way to disqual me on the medical eval. (althought they say they can't) and it would have required me to move (and I really don't feel like moving by myself to a strange city and finding all new doctors etc...) so I am no longer pursuing that - although it took 6 months of testing, applications and interviews to get where I was. Still a little bitter about the situation.

Anyway, I was also called for a second interview with another company the day I was diagnosed - and I called them back to say I had some "medical things" that needed taken care of at that time. They said to call back in a few months - they would still be hiring - so I did and interviewed last week. I am expecting to find out this week if I'll get that job or not.

My question is this: Has anyone had trouble switching jobs so soon after diagnosis / treatment (I had surgery only in January) and did you have trouble ith insurance if you went ahead and switched jobs. It makes me very nervous to do it - but I don't want to just stay at my current job that I hate and "wait for the cancer to return". B/c I don't know that it will return - although it could come back next month.

I know they can't ask about the cancer - and I haven't offered it - in fact I wore a turtleneck sweater to the interview to cover my neck dissection scars. I'm just wondering what would happen if I did do the swtich and something awful happens like the cancer returning in the first few months.

Also - I haven't yet had my PET scan and that is to be in the next month or two. Would there be an issue with that?

I should also add that I am my own sole provider for income and insurance. I am not married, do not have a domestic partner and am too old to go on mom and dad's insurance.

Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.

SCC Right Lateral Tongue T2N0M0 Dx 01/12/06, Surgery 01/25/06. Partial Glossectomy, Bilateral Neck Dissection - 22 lymph nodes - all clear. No radiation.