Thank you for everything.

We can sure use all the support end encouragement right now. We aregetting ready for chemo tomorrow.

Yesterday was a week that we had the 911 incident and as we watched TV last night, we kept getting flashbacks. We made it through the whole episode of "Desperate Housewives" without anything happening again but it was scary.

Danny Boy
The doctor's are not planning to do another surgery until he finishes his treatment so at this point we don't know if his cancer is spreading or the staging or anything. The only thing they were able to tell us was that if the treatments do not work that they would do a surgery to remove the tumor but they would also have to remove his entire tongue at that time.

wife to 36 yr old husband diagnosed with SCC on 7/6/05, tongue dissection and radical neck dissection on 7/15/05, 2nd biopsy on 9/15/05 and found carcinoma in-situ. Starting radiation and chemo on Oct 05