
I am so sorry to hear about Scott. I think that's one of the worst things about cancer (especially this type of cancer). You don't really know for sure what's going on. You think things seem ok and you start feeling hopeful and optimistic and then suddenly something like this happens and knocks you down. I wish there was something I could do to help you both.

Kim never had the type of chemo that Scott is receiving. She did have brachytherapy where tube were inserted into and around the tumor in her tongue and the radiation treatments were given directly to her tongue through the tubes. It doesn't sound anything like what Scott is getting, but there are different treatments.

I understand the scariness with the bleeding. That's what happened to Kim, although the cancer ate through the main artery in her neck. At least the doctors are keeping watch on this and know what caused it. I am praying that the treatments help Scott and that he has as little discomfort and side effects as possible.

I will keep you both in my prayers. If you need to talk to just vent, please know that I am here.

God Bless you both

Sister of Kim, a 24 year old cancer fighter diagnosed on 12/5/04, who fought strong and hard and died with dignity and honor on 1/3/05.