Daniel, a biopsy would be quick, relatively painless and give you the facts while you are waiting to get into a cancer center. (May ease your worried mind) Some people attribute cancer to stress, myself included, so please try some relaxation techniques and taking your mind off your fears. Praying for a negative biopsy and some peace of mind for you and yours. Mine WAS scc (diagnosed in Jan 2004) and it took 2 surgeries, biopsies, and a couple of scares (and one heck of a good dentist)to get into a major cancer center here by next month,May 17th! Be proactive is what I am getting at, and listen to this gang, they are great support! Good luck to you.

01/04 SCC of tongue base, T1N0M0
03/04 Partial glossectomy
04/04 Rad
12/04 Throidectomy(follicular cancer)