It's bad. I thought we were in Madison to get a better grip on Don's aspiration pnumonia because 1 1/2 weeks of Augmentin hasn't helped and we wanted to get back on with the swallowing therapy,well, Dr noticed a lump (we thought was scar)at the April 12th surgery site. They did an immediate needle aspiration and it's positive. Here goes that spinning out of control again...Now they moved the PET to next Wednesday and if that's positive below the neck, they have nothing left to offer except pallative chemo. If it's still local to the neck...PRAY HARD !!! He would need another surgery. At best. Dr isn't giving us any reason to be optomistic..the little blood he coughed up yesterday became gobbs of blood tinged fhlem today on the way home. Dr concerned that spot on lungs isn't pnumonia. That, his ear, and his voice.. my God I need something to hold too and theres NOTHING!!! He is going to check with Don's radiologist about any chances of IMPT at Loma Linda. Anything right now, anything. Thanks for being here.

Caretaker/Longtime Girlfriend of Don. Dx 10/31/03 SCC Stage IV T2N3bMO right tonsil/tongue base. 35 IMRT w/8 Chemos,Biopsy 4/5/4 STILL pos. Radical rightside 4/12/4 Reoccurred late August 04 God took his hand from me November 23rd, 2004