First off-Happy Birthday to you Gary and you WILL be here for 46!!!! So, in response to my numerous responses, I say thank you. I like the idea VERY MUCH to stop reading anything more about head and neck cancer, etc until I recieve a diagnosis on Tuesday. My mom has told me the same, which I didn't listen to because she also told me not to worry in the same sentence, which we all know is impossible if you are in my shoes, and a few of yours. I just want to call the lab myself and get those darn results so i know. It has been 9 months since this entire ordeal started and I now that I know it will come to a head on Tuesday, I am so anxious. As for whoever said that the pain may be an infection, I wish that were true but that has been ruled out by my taking antibiotics "just to be sure" and blood tests which showed all normal blood counts and no infection. The ENT also said that maybe I had an infected gland down there and he would find out when he did the scope, but like I said, after the scope, he only admitted to finding a velvety like lesion and no infections or cysts (which is why I am scared). I have nothing else to atttribute this ear pain to, and though it is not constantly there, it comes and goes just enough to remind me that soemthing is wrong. I keep saying to my parents "I KNOW MY BODY" like they say in the movies, because you know when things aren't right, and this time I feel that way, which is why I am writing in the first place. Anyway, I will stop the fretting and just continue to check back in until Tuesday to see any new postings you all have left for me. I have no support (other than hubby and parents) because I chose not to tell anyone at my part time job or friends, because right now is not the time I want to hear "don't worry". Well, I promise to keep you all updated on my condition. I find out at 2:30 pm EST on 4/29. Thanks everyone for your response, much appreciated. smile