Thanks for the information. John finished radiation (35) and chemo in Sept of 2002. He had a radical neck in October. One node did not resolve in size. However the biopsy was negative on all tissue. John is not overweight either. His breathing problem started toward the end of his radiation and greatly increased after the surgery. We had a couple of scares since October. One was a severe and constant headache with vomiting. His doctor (she is very good) hospitalized him and called in a neuro on the team. John had MRI with contrast- also without. Chest xray and other tests. Everything was normal and the headache went away. That was four weeks ago. This week he went to his eye doctor for a simple cyst and his intracranial pressure is high. Back to the hospital and all tests repeated as well as a lumbar punch.We are waiting the results at home but were told that the spinal fluid is clear (that's good).

In the meantime, my brother who is a surgeon, ventured the opinion that the removal of the juglar vein is the cause of the increased pressure. He said that the body will eventually enlarge the interior juglar vein and other supporting veins to accomodate.

We question why the neck surgeon at Moffitt cancer clinic did not warn us of this as a potential problem but my brother said that there are too many potentials to warn of all. I like to know everything I can. Anyway we are waiting the results. I want to go over the sleep problem with the neuro as well.

John is having a swallowing study done at Moffitt on Friday next week and I will also bring it up there.

Interesting that internet medical literature also lists apnea as one of the consequences of juglar ligation.

Thanks again BC. I'll let the forum know what happens.