Hi Im renee, im a 22 year old afterschool program teacher ive been two scarred to go to a doctor and find out if i have cancer. i have had sores on the back of my tounge for 3 years now. my mother died of malpratice when i was 15 years old and i have been tramatized ever since. she was 46 years old and they said she died of the flu but she was really posined by the medicine the doctors gave to her. im so scared and i dont know what to do . i havent been able to push my self to take the step and go get checked out. im in tears writting this letter right now i dont want my life to change but i need to know. i also need a doctor i can trust and i want to know the satistics of cancer survivors. ive been so scared i have never told anyone about the sores not even my boyfriend of a year. i know i cant live my life like this and the longer i wait it could get worse. im scared that they are gonna cut my tounge out and ill never be able to talk again. i need to talk to someone about this i need help and advice. please help me