Don't let $$$$$$, or the lack of, stop you from getting treatment! Go to the closest cancer center and ask to see a social worker. They can give you lots of direction and resources available. They also have someone who can reassess your need for medicaid. There are foundations and generous people out there who have suffered before us, and they are willing to help those of us who have little money to fight with. You provide the determination and you will find those who can provide the assistance for you. In our state (NC) there is a credit program called Care Credit........I don't believe it is just NC but I will look up some info and post for you on this forum. Get your running shoes on and get ready to fight. We are here to help!
God Bless you and your family,

Judy and Jack

Judy CG, Jack: Age 64,never smoked, heavy drinker 18 yrs sober, Base of tongue(BOT) cancer,scc, stage III/IVA, T2, N2, M0 Diagnosed 6/07, Treatment at Rex Cancer Center, Raleigh NC, Treatment Plan: Undetermined at this time