Hi I am glad to have found this group because I have no one to talk to. My mom has already watched my baby brother and then my dad lose thier fight to the C word and now I have been diagnosed. I am not totaly sure of what it is that I have I thought I had thrush. The Dr said it was squamous cell and now we found a bigger spot down in my throat. I can't tell anyone what is going on in my head so hopefully I can here. I guess I am scared because of what I have read and what my Dr said. He said they used to cut the tounge and voice box out but now radiation can help. WOW. I like to talk to much and the job I have I have to talk. I work with the public.Yeah I know I am rambling but what can I say. My ENT Dr has to do a laryenscopy I know that is spelled wrong but anyway I don't have insurance I mean I make 7.00an hour and have two daughters at home to raise. Any way he wants 850.00 up front to do that test and informed me he wasn't a bank. So I take my grocery money and all my bill money and still come up short but I still have to have that test what do I do Not have it? No I don't get medicade and I don't have a rich uncle. I am mad as rip at this Dr but that is his job and he went to school for it so yeah I can understavnd his point. HE really is a good man even if he is a jerk. I am sure this is not what I was supposed to be writting on my introduction page but I forget sometimes what I am doing.Let me introduce myself, I am Brenda mom of 5. Granny of 6. I work full time at a garden center and really love my job. Ok so for being unsure what ekse to say I close for now. Brenda

49 years young 9/2007 Squamous Cell Carcinoma 33 rad treatments. One year later, 9/17/2008 50 years old through the Grace of God. last check up all clear. Living life as it comes to me.