As far as total healing goes I still have a way to go with that...the pain isnt slowing up quite as well as I had hoped and the eating isnt quite as good as I was hoping also.

As I am a truck driver I have decided to give it another week off and let things heal up more get my strength back up and get off the narcotic pain meds!!!

Take care all!

Dx:06/08/07 SCC left Lateral tongue Stage I/II
Tx: 07/09/07 Partial -10% approx. of tongue taken round 1cm x 3cm No rad/Chemo deemed necessary.....ex smoker
07/17/07 CLEAR MARGINS!!!
05/15/10 Sore has returned and will not leave.back to see ENT 05/17/10
04/07/11 Lump on neck.....ENT on 04/12/11