Well, I suppose I am officially a survivor!

Saw my surgeoun yesterday and he seems to think the worst is behind me, painwise and almost every other thing. He said that there was very definite clear margins and it seems to be healing good. He thought that the bleeding was probably something like a scab that broke free....more a case of bad luck than anything else!

I have one more follow-up visit planned with him for 2 weeks but he is confident that it is pretty much done now!!!

Lets hope so.

My journey has probably not been as long or arduous as many peoples here, but it has been difficult. I will certainly stay on these forums as a SURVIVOR!

I would sure like to thank everyone on here for all your thoughts and kind words.

Dx:06/08/07 SCC left Lateral tongue Stage I/II
Tx: 07/09/07 Partial -10% approx. of tongue taken round 1cm x 3cm No rad/Chemo deemed necessary.....ex smoker
07/17/07 CLEAR MARGINS!!!
05/15/10 Sore has returned and will not leave.back to see ENT 05/17/10
04/07/11 Lump on neck.....ENT on 04/12/11