Thank you Petey, I just hope we can get something done. There is no excuse for what cancer patients have to go through to be heard and get help. The stress this is putting on our family, and most of all my husband, isn't good at all for his condition. Just makes his health worse, he has almost come to the point of giving up, he said, "by the time, if it comes, that I get help, the cancer will be far worse and the treatment won't help. I'm a dead man." To hear my husband talk like this, makes me want to fight even harder than hell to get him better.

GOD Bless the ones helping, bending over backwards to contact others on our behalf, and lending their support. You are God sent.

Husband age 48, diagnosed 5/10/07 with stage 4 mouth cancer, surgury not an option, teeth removed 6/21/07, 5x wks of rad with Cisplatin 1x week for 7-8 week course starting 7/10/07. Update 02/25/08 right maxillectomy and right infratemporal fossa resection