I want to thank each of you that have responded to my emails...i wanted to write back sooner but we have been going back and forth to Sloan...from marlboro, nj.
just leaned from dr. who had to clear mike for surgery that operation will be 10.5 hrs.
threw us both...did not expect this.
we are speaking to plastic surgeon tomorrow....and on friday we speak to his surgeon who will fill in all the blanks.
sooo many questions.
Surgery is set for wed. may 30.
have no idea what the plastic surgeon is reconstructing...do know they will be using a 'flap.'
from internet learned oral cancer tends to come back...approx. 50% cases have recurrences...no one told us.
learning that we have to become VERY knowledgeable so we can double check drs.
i want to learn more about chemo...and CYOTHEAPY...although the surgeon only mentioned radiation as 'likely' thus far.
as for radiation...there are so many kinds...has anyone heard of 'GAMMA KNIFE'
also...if it came back second time...can it come back third?
thanks for all your help...this is going to be a long hard road. husband tried this site and it upset him too much...perhaps that will change.
G-d help us all...
