Peace, I'm sorry you had to be here too.
Like Stoj said, anything you need to express, this is the place to do it.
As I was the caregiver, I would suggest that you and your husband go shopping for a nice notebook with some pockets in it.
Take it with you when you go for your consultations and all future appointments. Ask your husband to take notes while you are at each visit. You can't do it, the medical personal will be looking at you, and you will be busy absorbing
as much as you can while looking at them. Neither of you will absorb everything, but between the two of you and the notes for memory jogging, you will be fine.
Date each visit and write down the names of each medical personel that speaks to you.
In between appointments, write down all the questions that pop into your head. Ask hubby to review the questions and see that they are answered at the next visit.
Doing this will help you both to have some sense of control over the what looks to be a frightening out of control situation.

And, your right, the Internet is very scary. There is a lot of bad information and you don't know what you can trust.
WELL, FEAR NO MORE! YOU FOUND THE BEST SITE! You will find links to accurate medical information as well as the personal support provided in this forum.
In fact, here is a recent endorsement.
11/08/06 posting by founder Brian Hill announcing:

OCF has been chosen as the CDC's partner for prevention of oral cancer.

Knowledge is power!
Hoping you will keep us updated,
Ginny, CG to husband Mike

Ginny, spouse of MikeG. SSC BOT T2N1M0 Stage III, Dx 06/27/06 at age 52, Tx 07/31/06 through 09/28/06 Chemo Cisplatin & 5FU x2, Radiation x42. Cancer free and doing well.