Hi. I am Sue and have been a member since Oct. Many many thanks to Brian for creating this site and thanks to all who have contributed. I was dx with scc r maxilla. Had R partial maxillectomy 9/25. And must wear an obturator. Surg report stated unclean margins and perineural involvement. Stage 2 "T4NXMX invades cortical bone". Had 15hrs brachytherapy @ Temple 12/7. 28imrt started 12/27. Erbitux started 12/22. Unable to tolerate amifostine. Am already experiencing a sore, burning tongue and no taste. Thought I was prepared with all the researching I did on this site, but was almost in tears this morning. Am looking forward to your replies. Thanks in advance!

Susan Holsberg
ssc r maxilla r partial maxillectomy 9/25 brachytherapy 12/7
28 imrt 12/27 erbitux 12/20 recurrance 5/07 total maxillectomy
keeping my fingers crossed