Hi Rhonda -

I just wanted to add to the comments above since my original ENT had some similar comments as yours. Ultimately, I chose to go with my instinct and seek out an ENT Oncologist for my surgery. In fact, I met with 3 before deciding. It is your right and your responsibility to take charge of this process.

As for the neck dissection, it really wasn't that bad. I was out of the hospital the next day. The only pain I felt was due to the breathing tube and this went away after a few days. Below, you will see a link to my blog which includes details on the surgery, pictures, etc. and a description of the process I followed to assemble my team. I hope this helps you.

Take care -


Follow my experience at http://mycancerfight.blogspot.com/

Diagnosed 6/28/06 with SCC of the base of tongue. T1N2bM0. Modified radical neck dissection 7/19/06. 35 x Tomotherapy IMRT began 8/15/06. 8 x adjuvant Erbitux. UPDATE: 10/4/11 - Checkup on my 5 year anniversary and I am cancer free!