Dear Rhonda,

Welcome to the OCF forum.

Your story is very similar to mine, so I will tell you what I did. Hearing this from someone having gone through what appears to be what you will probably be doing, could be very helpful.

My biopsy stated "moderately differentiated". My original lesion was smaller than yours and the biopsy removed the whole thing. First of all, I did go to a CCC(Comprehensive Cancer Center). I did not get a second opinion as I was comfortable with the protocol presented to me. I had a partial glossectomy and a modified neck dissection. I did not have a PET scan. I did have a CT scan prior to seeing the surgeon, but he did not order it. He does neck dissections routinely as his opinion is that CT scans can miss cancerous lymph nodes. I was seen by a radiation oncologist prior to surgery and was followed up post-op by him, too. The decision was made not to do radiation and chemo based upon the clear nodes.

As far as the two procedures were concerned, the neck dissection (with 30 nodes removed) was not difficult at all. I did have a drain for less than a week (went home with it) and it was no problem. I am still numb on my cheek and neck in that area, but expected that and it is no problem and a small price to pay. The glossectomy was another story. I had a 2 cm resection which was very sore for about 10 days and then started to rapidly get better. (Since your lesion is 3 centimeters, your dissection will be larger than mine as they have to go wide enough to get clear margins.) Eating was difficult and limited to liquids during the 10 days. I wouldn't recommend going home the same day or next from the hospital. I was operated on a Wednesday, went home on Saturday and probably should have stayed until Sunday.

In summary: You are located in a great area for getting a second opinion at a CCC. I would highly recommend it. However, don't be surprised if you do go, that you might get a different treatment plan. You have to feel comfortable with the plan that you choose and second guessing it after the fact can be a big problem. We will be with you through each step of your treatment and you will find someone here that probably has been down the same road you go.

I hope that I have answered your questions and not given you too much info. But you seemed like you wanted all the facts. If you want to speak to me directly before you leave (or after you get back), please email me your phone number and I will call you. I am on the east coast, so I'll watch the time. I check my email frequently. Send a direct email to [email protected].


Good luck and I hope you have a great cruise.


Retired Dentist, 59 years old at diagnosis. SCC of the left lateral border of the tongue (Stage I). Partial glossectomy and 30 nodes removed, 4/6/05. Nodes all clear. No chemo no radiation 18 year survivor.

"Whatever doesn't kill me, makes me stronger"