Welcome Lynn,

we are a wee bit further down the track. My husband was dx in January with SCC (squamous cell carcinoma) of BOT (Base of tongue). We are both the type of people reading, researching and collecting all the info we can. I think we feel we have a better understanding and to a certain extend a bit of control over what is going on.

I can understand that this approach can be de-stabilising for some of us. Like other people, my best advice in terms of treatment for your husband is to seek 2nd opinion, ask questions, be prepare when you go to the doctor and take notes. Sometimes the information is so overwhelming (not only in its vocabulary but in terms of quantity) that you leave the doctor's office with your head full of confusion and more questions. During some visits I have found myself leading the session as David (my husband) was forgetting what to ask or even not reporting some things that had happen during the week. This is not in his nature!!

The treatment is no walk-in-the-park and you and your husband will go through a roller-coaster of emotions. Our oncology nurse suggested to try to live each step one at a time and try not to look at the big picture as it becomes rapidly too overwhelming. There is a lot of wisdom in this advice.

I send you and your hubby lots of positive energy from down-under!!

Wife of David, 44yo, SCC-BOT-R) mod. rad. ND in Jan 06. 35x standard RT from Feb-April 06. Recur on L) side same level in Sept 06 with mod rad ND. 1/48 node positive SCC + 1/48 positive micropapillary carcioma consistant with thyroid CA.