sorry, just read this. I too am 12 years out and on a PEG for good. Many posts about that. Like Brian, I live well with it. I do blend all my own food...not so difficult!! I have had many dilations, They started maybe 6 years ago and did help eating. Now, I get them every 4 months and they help in my ability to swallow saliva, kind of important. But in all honesty, I still have to spit often, really often .........through out the day. When I drive I carry a spittoon1 Not enough power to spit out the window!!! technically, my esophagus shrinks to 12 fr, the doc can dilate it to 50 fr, pretty good. Actually gravity helps the saliva go down my esophagus, and I can take a few sips of fluid.
So by all means keep up with dilations, they are easy and will help