It has been 15 months since my previous glossectomy. SCC Left lateral tongue T2N0M0, took about 1/4 of tongue that time, as well as neck dissection. I am treated by an ENT oncology surgeon at a CCC.
My Doctor has been very cautious, and I have been seeing him every two months since my original diagnosis and surgery. I had a CT scan done in January that was negative for any problems. 2 weeks later I noticed a small white patch and began to watch it to see if it would go away. It didn't, and seemed to be getting larger.
I was able to be seen within the week. Biopsy was done that day that came back moderate dysplasia. After discussion I decided to go ahead and have another partial glossectomy. I am 5 days post op and feeling more pain than I expected. It appears that a stiich may have popped along the incision kind of gapes there and is making it difficult to eat/drink much. Call to Dr and am being seen on Friday. Has anyone else had their stitches come undone?
I wonder how much of the tongue can be taken before it affects your speech?
I can handle the surgeries, but hope to continue to avoid chemo & radiation.
Thanks for listening to me ramble.