“My situation was more sarcopenia and while quite thin and not super strong, I have pushed back from my lowest weight and being in a wheelchair unable to stand or walk, to graduating to a walker, and now pretty much walking on my own, but slowly.”

I applaud your perseverance and strength. Although you may not realize, your achievements are to me a nearly a miracle. Do not undervalue your achievements for what you have successfully accomplished many of us still struggle to achieve.

Age 59
DX SCC T3N1M0 R BOT 10/04 135lbs
TX Hemi-Gloss 11/04
MET Neck 12/04
TX 01/05 G-Tube,PortCath,6wks chem+6wks chem& IMRT,Max dose
06/05 RND,42 nodes 1 bad,All clear 120lbs
DX femoral hernia 09/09,repair 10/09 94lbs
HBO 11-12/10
11/10 All teeth out,05/11 dentures
DX hypothyroid,04/13
DX inguinal hernia,repair,04/15 127lbs
DX cachexia (CACS),03/16 98lbs
DX EPI, TX PERT,10/18 115lbs
DX RFS,11/18
DX iron deficiency anemia,02/19 118lbs
TX infusions,04-06/19 115lbs
DX calcified atheroma carotid