
Thank you, Brian, for contributing to this thread.

I am currently waiting for yet another ultrasound appointment, ordered by the vascular surgeon my personal physician referred me to ( I guess the recent ultrasound I had of my affected carotid artery wasn't suitable?? ). In any event, I plan to consult with this surgeon and, in-part, attempt to ascertain his experience ( if any ), in working on radiation-damaged arteries.

I spoke with my Oncologist about this issue of carotid artery damage / occlusion from radiation treatment and was somewhat taken aback by his thoughts. First off, he seemed to be mostly unaware of this type of problem and spoke of other reasons causing the build-up, even had reasons why the unaffected carotid artery was 'clear.' After some discussion, he asked that the consulting Surgeon's office send him a copy of the report of his evaluation. He further said he could arrange for me to consult with the vascular surgical team at Princess Margaret Cancer Hospital, if I was interested.

I most certainly am!

Living here in Southern Ontario, I'm concerned about finding a surgeon experienced in dealing with irradiated, damaged arterial tissue. Princess Margaret is a top-notch cancer centre, thus I'm hoping the surgeons there will have the experience I seek.

Thanks to everyone who is contributing their knowledge and experiences here.

Stage 3 HPV-16 Tonsilar Tumour with extension to 1 lymph node
Currently prepping for Treatment, which is starting Sept. 5th 2017