
Thank you so very much for taking your time out to provide such detailed information. I really appreciate it.

The oral biopsy was read by the pathologist specializing exclusively in the area of Oral and Maxillofacial pathology.

It seems to me that there’s a grey area on the classification of atypia in Pathology. Therefore, I agree with you on the exact atypia diagnosis in this case. Mild Atypia diagnosis was conveyed to us by the Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon (DDS & MD) over the phone. We will find out more in the treatment plan consultation two weeks from now.

I am totally aware of ADA’s political lobbying and absolutely concur with you on the negative impact it has on mainstream Americans. We are just amongst the hard-working, middle class Americans who have been dotting the i's and crossing the t's all their lives. While the biopsy result eases our mind for the time being, treatment cost will be another hurdle to overcome.

The Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon is very professional and communicative. On the other hand, my question is:

Is OMS the best doctor performing the laser ablation procedure vs. ENT surgeon?

You have addressed every concern I raised in the thread. Over the past two years, I’ve pretty much given up on finding random kindness. Hence, I cannot express my gratitude to you enough.

Thank you so much.

Grateful for this Forum. Pay kindness forward.