Hi Bren, hope your surgery went well. How are you doing? I am sorry to hear about the spread, sounds like radiation is a definite possibility! It comes with some challenges but most people here have gotten through it!

In terms of my progress I'm doing pretty well these days, although the pathology of my tumor showed spread to one lymph node with some extracapsular extension (cancer cells invading beyond the walls of the node) so I am currently undergoing radiation therapy and some chemo as well. On week 3 of 6, starting to feel the effects of the rads now (sore and sensitive tongue, dry mouth, limited taste). It's annoying driving to the hospital every day but hopefully any remaining cancer cells are getting zapped into oblivion!!

Aside from the sore mouth from rads I am feeling OK, maybe my energy levels are a bit short but I am still working (from home, self-employed) and I hope to throughout treatment. After surgery I felt very well, and my speech is more or less fine though I do have a slight lisp. I had a reconstruction using a skin flap from my forearm, so that part of my tongue feels a bit tied down in my mouth if that makes sense. I can't really stick my tongue out very far anymore. In terms of eating I just have to be much more mindful and take my time, chew each bite well, lots of sips of water etc. Pre-radiation I was eventually able to manage most foods, but I am back to a soft, easy to chew diet for now.

Keep us updated!