Gary and Lenny-
Thank you for the words of encourgements. Right now he is taking Fentnal patch and oxycodon for pain and he is taking lerazapram for anxiety. He has tried magic mouth wash and numerous other rinses for pain, but they dont help and he ends up throwing up.
He now has one week and two days left of radiation and he is throwing up. Is this a side effect that you both have expierenced? Is there anything that I can do for him? It seams that especially right after treatment he feels sick to his stomach.
Yes he smoked one to one and a half packs of Newports per day.
We have both quit. How could I say how much I cared for him and loved him if I couldnt show it by quitting with him?
I am relieved to hear that you,Gary, did not have the third round of chemotherapy, at least I know that it itsnt abnormal.
How are you both doing now? How many radiation treatments did you recieve? Were you smokers as well?
Thank you so much for your support- I hope you know how much it means to me.

Delia- Caregiver and fiancee to Charlie ,age 30,(SCC of Larnyx-Stage IV) chemotherapy and radiation- no surgery finished tx:4/7/06 SURVIVIOR!