Hi, I am 8 days into radiation. The past three days I have been coming home and developing a fever about 1-2 hours after treatment. The fevers are as low as 99.9 and the highest has been 102.5. The fevers tend to go away before my next treatment. I told the doctor about this. He says its uncommon but possible. Dung this time my neck as swollen considerably that they could not totally snap down my mask. I am so tired. Not sleeping because I can't find a comfortable position. Dr says he hopes the weekend break will help. ..Has anyone experienced this?

Lip Cancer
Stage 3
T2 N0
Lip resection, reconstruction
Modified Neck Dissection
30 radiation treatments (last day 9/11)
Starting Physical Therapy on my neck
Barium Swallow Test after Thanksgiving
1st post op PET scan scheduled for beginning of December
Going thru it physically alone during the pandemic 2020