Hello PAD,

I have been down this path that you are on. It has been a 9 year journey and 5 CO2 ablations that has progressed to carcinoma in situ that I am getting excised this week. There are a few things I have learned:
a) The grade doesn't really matter, as people cannot really agree on classification. I started with severe dysplasia that was removed, then multiple moderates. These all have the potential to change to SCC.
b) It hurts and I haven't found a solution to it. Over the years, I have gotten used to it.
c) You will need to stay on top of it. I have been monitored closely during that time. My last check with my doctor was 2 months ago and then a sore that wouldn't go away.
d) I haven't gotten an answer of "how do I manage it?" and "how do I prevent it?"

I'm sorry you are dealing with this condition. You learn to stay on top of it.