Welcome to OCF, Sabrena! Im sorry to hear about your husbands oral cancer diagnosis! We will help you both with info and support to make everything as easy as possible.

Many cancer patients seek second and third opinions. Its a very good idea to hear what several different physicians and facilities would do to treat your husband. If possible try to get at least one opinion from a Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) where all the specialists meet together at a tumor board meeting to discuss each individual case (patients and caregivers are encouraged to attend and ask questions to the group of specialists). A team based approach has the best outcome for survival. There are many top hospitals if location is something that must be considered when seeking treatment. Some CCCs will even do another opinion online (no traveling required) to review your husbands medical history, tests and diagnosis report. If cost is a factor in traveling theres airlines and special housing facilities that give free or at a nominal cost ($5-$20) to cancer patients ands caregivers. Many OC patients will travel across thew country to get treated at certain top CCCs. Cancer is one of the most serious diagnosis someone can have. There may be only one chance to eliminate the cancer. Its very important to find and use a team of medical professionals who are very knowledgeable and experienced with treating OC patients, not a small local facility where they might get one or 2 OC patients a month or year instead of the CCCs who treat hundreds.

As far as boosting someones immune system before starting any treatment, thats one to ask whatever team you select to use for your husbands treatments. Theres a million and one bogus claims on products to do that online. USE CAUTION!!! If something sounds too good to be true it usually is. Theres different foods, medications, vitamins, etc that can have a major and negative impact on treatments, medications, and/or procedures which could make them less effective or otherwise interfere in a negative way. As a group of people who are not medical professionals with years of medical school, clinical patient experience, the patients full medical history (not that we would completely understand what we were even reading) and the patient in front of us... we're other cancer patients/survivors and caregivers so we arent qualified to give our opinions on some things. Basically its the same as if asking someone who you randomly pass when walking down the street. As with everything always check with your husband medical team before adding even a multivitamin to his diet so you avoid any unusual reaction or negate the desired result of something.

OCF is the biggest and best online resource for up to date and correct medical info! Theres far too many bogus sites full of secret cancer cures and miracle medicines dedicated to the sole purpose of taking advantage and money from unsuspecting cancer patients and caregivers. OCF has always operated with a firm belief in medical info derived from science based facts. There are far too many medical websites that promote unsubstantiated treatments and bogus cancer cures to line their pockets without regard for the safety of its members. This is a HUGE business!!! Too often newly diagnosed cancer patients and their caregivers are in a state of shock when given a cancer diagnosis. They're in a panic and are desperate to find something or some other way besides the only scientifically proven options of surgery, radiation with/without chemo in their quest to eliminate the cancer as quickly as possible. I want to be certain you fully understand OCF has strict guidelines about alternate medications, treatments and/or procedures. This is something we take very seriously!!! Its spelled out in the rules which everyone agrees to abide by when joining our group, in fact this is so important everyone agrees twice! Below is an excerpt of Rule #2 ...

Please note that there are tons of bogus cancer cure claims, herbal remedies without documented proof of efficacy, and treatment centers in foreign countries trying to sell hope, that have no proven clinical benefit. If you are a proponent of these ideas and places -DO NOT BRING THEM UP ON THIS MESSAGE BOARD. OCF is dedicated to the discussion of proven treatment modalities, and adjunctive array(not alternative) therapies to treat side effects. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THIS RULE WILL GET YOUR URL BANNED FROM THE BOARD.

This is not an unrestricted open forum or democracy. We regulate what is posted here, and unsubstantiated treatments with no peer-reviewed published support in science are not welcome. Please choose a different message board if you are interested in discussing these kinds of things. A good rule of thumb is that if it has been put on the quack watch site array(www.quackwatch.com) it should not be discussed here.

If you have questions about the rules or anything else about the forum you can send me a private message (PM) and Id be happy to assist you as much as possible. To PM, simply click on my name and then click the "send private message" toggle. Theres all kinds of other things newly diagnosed patients should be doing. Read thru other posts and on the main OCF site to learn more about OC, treatments, medications, procedures, etc. Remember, an informed patient or caregiver makes for a strong advocate!!! Ive written hundreds of posts to new members about eating all their favorite foods and making a list of people who offer their assistance. Im sure you will see this several times on other posts.

Best wishes to you both!!!

NCI list of CCCs

US News Best Hospitals List

Main OCF Site, Financial Assistance

SCC 6/15/07 L chk & by L molar both Stag I, age44
2x cispltn-35 IMRT end 9/27/07
-65 lbs in 2 mo, no caregvr
Clear PET 1/08
4/4/08 recur L chk Stag I
surg 4/16/08 clr marg
215 HBO dives
3/09 teeth out, trismus
7/2/09 recur, Stg IV
8/24/09 trach, ND, mandiblctmy
3wks medicly inducd coma
2 mo xtended hospital stay, ICU & burn unit
PICC line IV antibx 8 mo
10/4/10, 2/14/11 reconst surg
OC 3x in 3 years
very happy to be alive smile