I'm surprised these masks aren't conidered hazardous waste considering how much radaition they went through. I wouldn't have wanted it, but no way was the hospital allowing mine out the door. My sessions only lasted 5 minutes but I suffered through every one of them. Years later they tried to do an open MRI on my head which required an open mask. I freaked out. I never got used to it.


Aug 1997 unknown primary, Stage III
mets to 1 lymph node in neck; rt ND, 36 XRT rad
Aug 2001 tiny tumor on larynx, Stage I total laryngectomy; left ND
June 5, 2010 dx early stage breast cancer
June 9, 2011 SCC 1.5 cm hypo pharynx, 70% P-16 positive, no mets, Stage I