goodmorning deborah,
all of these posts bring back a flood of memories about the mask and it has not been that long ago for me 11/01/05 thru 12/16/05 so my memories are pretty vivid, I too had anxiety attacks and like Tom I relied on Ativan, it is a anti anxiety med, however that being said Ativan is a powerful drug and your husbandmay experience some withdrawl problems as I did, I ended up finishing my prescription after I was finished with the mask, when I went in for surgery in January of this year I had to deal with some slight withdrawl problems, I certainly did not need that. Deb don't let all of this scare you the Ativan is managable as is the mask as minniea says. I kept that damn mask when I was finished, I thought that I might use it as a teaching tool for my high school students or maybe decorate it every christmas to remind me how cigarettes screwed me out of a christmas. Hang in there deborah, your husband can and will get through this.
always lenny