Hi, my name is Michelle and my mom is scheduled for surgery in about 3 weeks at Univ of Penn in Phila.

Her cancer is on the inside of her cheek and a little on her gums. Surgeon says it will be about a 10-12 hour surgery which includes:
-Removing cancer (which involves removing a few back upper teeth / molars + possible shaving of her upper jaw),
-Skin graph (skin from her arm)
-Feeding tube (down her nose) for 3-4 weeks post op
-Temporary Tracheotomy for 3-4 weeks post op
-they are predicting a 7 day hosp stay

She is 74 years old, she’s had Type 1 diabetes for about 52(+/-) years and maintains it fairly well. But with 3 surgical sites (inner cheek, arm / skin-graph, trach), puts her at a risk for healing & infection. She’s also allergic to antibiotics and is prone to vomiting, so we are worried about aspiration bc of the surgery and her trach tube & feeding tube. She also has Osteoporosis and takes Prolia. This is the first “health crisis” she’s had.

So...what are we really looking at here? She can’t help but wonder if the “cure” will be worse than the disease. Her Surgeon is saying even with her additional medical conditions, he’s predicting a minimum cure rate of 85%.

While we know no one has a crystal ball and can’t predict all the “what if’s”, we would love some other folks to weigh in here. We just want honest answers. The good, bad & the ugly.

I should also mention that my mother is a woman of great faith and resolve. She is not afraid to simply just opt out of treatment and let the chips fall where they may. She has considered going into palliative care and her family supports her no matter what.

Thanks for listening!!

Thanks and best regards,
Michelle S