I truly also think that trauma played a HUGE factor in my situation. I had ortho done as an adult and the retainers afterward would rub alongside my tongue. In the exact spot that my SCC was diagnosed. Now, I also believe that I am genetically predisposed to cancer based on some genetic testing I've had done. For some reason, the DNA in my cells cannot repair damaged cells as they should. So, after having 2/3 of my right side tongue removed and 7 weeks of radiation, I am on the mend.
I keep praying that this NEVER comes back but I have to wonder as long as I super duper take care of my mouth and inflict no future trauma, I might get lucky.
The other HUGE lesson I've learned is to address the problem when I notice it. I had a canker sore for over 6 months before I had it biopsied. frown

Kristen S.
Stage 3 SCC Surgery 2/18
35 radiation treatments-completed 6/18