Hi KristenS,
Thank for your quick response. I just recently searched for "brachytherapy" on this site, You for right a lot a people brachytherapy on this site. They basically stick a "straw" (for lack of a better word) thread threw in your tongue. They thread the straw through chin then is wind up the tongue, they may be use multiple straws, These straws a hollow and it allows them pin point radiation treatment so they delivered a can much very high dose a and it effects small areas. They typically use 3 - 5 treatments twice a day, They said I had a higher survival rate. It sounds to me it really hurts like hell, lol. I guess I will insist on those fentanyl patches, the strong will ones. Oxy 5m is finally losing it's effect on me. Thank you so Kristen

I will be updated the results.
Thanks, Matt