Thank you both! I am so new in this journey that my head is still reeling, but I will get my act together. I am grateful for the support of others who are further along in this journey than we are. My husband is not reading up on oral cancer either, and I think that is a good thing! He is prone to depression and if he read all the scary stuff I have read I am sure it would really affect his attitude toward fighting this. I know a positive attitiude is VERY important in fighting serious disease. I myself have Multiple Sclerosis; diagnosed 12 years ago when our youngest child was just 6 months old. I fell apart for a few days right after diagnosis, but then I pulled myself together and am proud to say I am doing WELL living with MS. I do battle debilitating MS fatique quite a bit; but my MRIs have been stable since 2008. No one even knows I have MS unless I choose to disclose that info. In other words, I am living well with a chronic disease. My hope is to help my husband live well while fighting cancer . CM57 - thanks also for letting me know we are not the only ones who began "out of order". 😊

Last edited by Timswife; 04-21-2018 12:32 PM. Reason: Wanted to add something